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Internet Freedom Festival 2018

Loic Dachary edited this page Mar 2, 2018 · 4 revisions


See the SecureDrop Agenda at IFF for details.

Research objectives

  1. Interview 3-4 SecureDrop project contributors
  2. Interview 4-5 current SecureDrop users
  3. Make connection with 5-10 other current SD users to allow for research after IFF
  4. Make connection with 5-10 potential (i.e. not current) SD users
  5. Become familiar with SecureDrop and reasons users use it (will help to formalise usability testing scenarios)

Methodologies 1, 2 above: carry out intercept interview 3, 4 above: ask participants of 2 for other people to talk to

Localisation sprint

SD has been accepted to the Localisation Lab sprint. This will provide a good opportunity to meet potential contributors, potential users, and maybe current users.

@ei8fdb will be at the sprint to understand localisation processes.

Advertisement of research It would be helpful to advertise on various channels that SecureDrop would like to speak with some users at IFF. Between now and the start of IFF (5th March)

I've put together some suggested advertisement content.

Over the next 2 weeks, advertise we are looking to speak with current SD users at IFF.

SecureDrop Discourse post ToDo

Research Interview participants

Research materials

Who Uses SecureDrop?
Learn about SecureDrop's users!



Et cetera

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