Releases: lblod/frontend-gelinkt-notuleren
Releases · lblod/frontend-gelinkt-notuleren
Release 2.16.0
🚀 Enhancement
- #182 added agendapoint position to the select and the search (@lagartoverde)
- #191 improved flow for creating agendapoints (@nvdk)
🐛 Bug Fix
- #188 correctly delete vote (@nvdk)
- #192 Fix typo in outro component (@lagartoverde)
- #190 added attachment counter to ap edit route, fixed bug with undefined length (@Asergey91)
- #187 Bugfix/missing router config for switch login route (@nvdk)
🏠 Internal
- #189 use generator methods instead of fields in vote modal (@nvdk)
- #185 use au-file-upload from appuniversum (@nvdk)
Committers: 3
- Niels V (@nvdk)
- Oscar Rodriguez Villalobos (@lagartoverde)
- Sergey Andreev (@Asergey91)
Release 2.15.0
Release 2.14.0
🚀 Enhancement
- #177 Calculated status based on the actual publication status of the extract (@lagartoverde)
- #171 added a toggle to toggle all agendapoints to be public/private in notulen preview (@lagartoverde)
🐛 Bug Fix
- #178 Fix notulen was not correctly reloaded under a very specific scenario (@lagartoverde)
- #180 [HOTFIX] Add updated items to changeset (@nvdk)
- #175 Fixed page numbers in extract publication table (@lagartoverde)
- #174 Add styling for tables still relying on webuniversum css (@Dietr)
🏠 Internal
- #176 Hide attachments behind feature flag (@lagartoverde)
- #181 Remove requirebranch config (@abeforgit)
- #86 remove vo-webuniversum (@nvdk)
Committers: 4
- Arne Bertrand (@abeforgit)
- Dieter Peirs (@Dietr)
- Niels V (@nvdk)
- Oscar Rodriguez Villalobos (@lagartoverde)
Release 2.13.0
🚀 Enhancement
- #171 added a toggle to toggle all agendapoints to be public/private in notulen preview (@lagartoverde)
Committers: 1
- Oscar Rodriguez Villalobos (@lagartoverde)
Release 2.12.0
🚀 Enhancement
- #150 full support for file attachments (@nvdk)
- #157 Improve file upload UI (@Asergey91)
- #152 Feature/file upload (@Asergey91)
- #143 Feature/file upload (@Asergey91)
🏠 Internal
- #168 Bump editor to v0.47.0 (@abeforgit)
Committers: 3
- Arne Bertrand (@abeforgit)
- Niels V (@nvdk)
- Sergey Andreev (@Asergey91)
Release 2.11.0
🚀 Enhancement
- #167 Use task flow for preview, signing and publication of notulen (@abeforgit)
Committers: 1
- Arne Bertrand (@abeforgit)
🚀 Enhancement
- #164 async preview, signing and publication of a decision list (@nvdk)
- #163 lazy load uittreksels (@nvdk)
🐛 Bug Fix
- #165 Fix a bug where agenda items would have incorrect links to previous agenda items (@abeforgit)
Committers: 2
- Arne Bertrand (@abeforgit)
- Niels V (@nvdk)
Release 2.9.1
🚀 Enhancement
- #160 Consume job for prepublishing (@madnificent)
- #161 Improve wording around notification (@abeforgit)
- #156 Update the hostname in the footer (@Windvis)
🐛 Bug Fix
- #162 BUGFIX: now you can sign and publish the same document and will be shown as such (@lagartoverde)
- #160 Consume job for prepublishing (@madnificent)
- #158 Fix print view overflow issue when   is used in text (@Dietr)
Committers: 5
- Aad Versteden (@madnificent)
- Arne Bertrand (@abeforgit)
- Dieter Peirs (@Dietr)
- Oscar Rodriguez Villalobos (@lagartoverde)
- Sam Van Campenhout (@Windvis)
Release 2.9.0
🚀 Enhancement
- #146 updated app universum and changed from au button to au link (@lagartoverde)
- #149 Put voting modal buttons first (@lagartoverde)
- #148 Feature/show agendapoints as 1 based (@lagartoverde)
🐛 Bug Fix
- #151 Fixed behandeling publishing status was not being updated properly without page refresh (@lagartoverde)
- #127 Bugfix/error publishing notulen (@lagartoverde)
🏠 Internal
- #153 Bump editor to 0.46.1 (@abeforgit)
Committers: 2
- Arne Bertrand (@abeforgit)
- Oscar Rodriguez Villalobos (@lagartoverde)
Release 2.8.0
🚀 Enhancement
- #140 Feature/get draft description (@lagartoverde)
🐛 Bug Fix
🏠 Internal
- #147 Add lerna-changelog (@abeforgit)
- #145 bump import snippet plugin (@nvdk)
- #144 Bump ember-rdfa-editor to v0.45.0 (@abeforgit)
Committers: 4
- Arne Bertrand (@abeforgit)
- Dieter Peirs (@Dietr)
- Niels V (@nvdk)
- Oscar Rodriguez Villalobos (@lagartoverde)