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January 7, 2019 Meeting

Matt King edited this page Jan 12, 2019 · 2 revisions

Agenda for January 7, 2019

Setup and review agenda -- 3 minutes.

Determining new meeting time

Start at 10:03 -- 5 minutes.

Release 3 Schedule, outstanding reviews, and content plan

Start at 10:08 -- TBD minutes.

Following info is copied from Dec 17 agenda and is not yet updated.

  • Tuesday Jan 8: Final reviews close; approved changes are merged to master, change logs are complete.
  • Wednesday Jan 9: Matt sends CFC request to Joanie.
  • Thursday Jan 10: Encourage reviews for CFC in ARIA WG meeting.
  • Wednesday Jan 16: CFC closes.
  • Thursday Jan 17: Assuming WG consensus to publish, Michael Publishes on

Outstanding Reviews:

  • Revised radio pattern in review: pull request 952
    • Reviews by Ann and Mark complete, thank you!
    • Waiting on review from Carolyn.
  • New carousel pattern in review: Pull Request #957
    • Waiting on 4 reviews (Ann, Jon, Mark, Michiel)
  • New indexes of examples in review: Pull Request #951
    • Are the package.json changes necessary?
    • Sort role, state and property arrays? Investigate aria.query?

Upcoming reviews:

  1. Carousel example 1:
    1. Then might need Jon to make adjustments to match pattern after today's discussions of carousel.
    2. Redesigned Toolbar example
  2. Possibly carousel example 2
    1. Need Jon to copy examples/carousel/example-2 into the issue955-add-tabbed-carousel-example branch (See comment in issue 43)
    2. Then might need Jon to make adjustments to match pattern after today's discussions of carousel.
    3. Then Matt will make final edits, create pull request, and assign reviewers.
  3. Possibly date picker
  4. Only other work to make it into release 3 will probably be simple bugs and editorial issues.
  5. Plan page on wiki

Future meetings and other business

Start at 10:55 -- 5 minutes.

  • Next meeting: January 14

Meeting Resources

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