v0.11.0 (2019-07-24)
Closed issues:
- Move WebIO provider into Blink (#200)
- Docs: all calls to @js in
fail (#198) - WARNING: could not import Base.quit into AtomShell (#189)
- What to do about quit(::ElectronShell)? (#142)
Merged pull requests:
- Allow WebIO 0.8.7+, so we're only excluding 0.8.6 (#207) (NHDaly)
- Fix WebIO integration. (#206) (travigd)
- Switch to .toml files for new Pkg3 Registry process (#202) (NHDaly)
- Move Blink/WebIO integration into Blink.jl. (#201) (travigd)
- Increase the try_connect timeout (#199) (mbauman)
- Hack-fix for issues with @testset. (#193) (travigd)
- stop extending nonexistent Base.quit (#190) (pfitzseb)