Releases: scality/cloudserver
Releases · scality/cloudserver
Release 7.10.14
What's Changed
- bugfix: CLDSRV-282 handle object lock when creating a bucket by @miniscruff in #4808
Full Changelog: 7.10.13...7.10.14
Release 7.10.13
What's Changed
- feature: CLDSRV-278 add github action to release image for fed by @miniscruff in #4795
- bugfix: CLDSRV-280 add check for object put retention for object put by @miniscruff in #4798
- feature: CLDSRV-278 can not use env vars in shared workflow by @miniscruff in #4803
- feature: CLDSRV-278 remove trailing quote by @miniscruff in #4806
Full Changelog: 7.10.12...7.10.13
CLDSRV-276: bump 7.10.12
Release 8.5.13
What's Changed
- CLDSRV-256 fix and test tag conditions updateRequestContexts() helper by @jonathan-gramain in #4736
- bugfix: CLDSRV-266 prioritize "checkTagConditions" over "isAllowed" by @jonathan-gramain in #4742
- CLDSRV-267 bump arsenal 8.1.65 by @nicolas2bert in #4746
- bugfix: CLDSRV-257 call tagConditionKeyAuth only once by @jonathan-gramain in #4744
Full Changelog: 8.5.12...8.5.13
Release 8.5.11
What's Changed
- bf(CLDSRV-250): Set replication status to
when putting an ACL by @tmacro in #4689 - CLDSRV-246 PutObjectVersion always returns 403 by @nicolas2bert in #4697
Full Changelog: 8.5.10...8.5.11
Release 8.5.9
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 8.5.8...8.5.9
Release 7.10.6
Release 8.5.8
What's Changed
- CLDSRV-234: bump arsenal by @WillToozsScality in #4630
- INTEGRATION [PR#4630 > development/8.5] CLDSRV-234: bump arsenal by @bert-e in #4657
- INTEGRATION [PR#4656 > development/7.70] CLDSRV-239: bump version for bucket tagging by @bert-e in #4663
- CLDSRV-239: bump version for bucket tagging by @WillToozsScality in #4656
- INTEGRATION [PR#4656 > development/8.4] CLDSRV-239: bump version for bucket tagging by @bert-e in #4664
- INTEGRATION [PR#4656 > development/8.5] CLDSRV-239: bump version for bucket tagging by @bert-e in #4665
- CLDSRV-247 Bump Arsenal 8.1.62 by @nicolas2bert in #4669
- feature: CLDSRV-243 allow backbeat to update non versioned objects by @Kerkesni in #4655
Full Changelog: 8.5.7...8.5.8
Release 7.10.5
What's Changed
- bf(CLDSRV-232): Prevent empty NextContinuationToken from being sent at listing end by @tmacro in #4623
- Improvement/cldsrv 237 revert tagging by @WillToozsScality in #4636
- CLDSRV-239: bump version for bucket tagging by @WillToozsScality in #4656
Full Changelog: 7.10.4...7.10.5
Release 8.5.7
CLDSRV-245: temporarily disable objectPutVersion action match