Pre-releaseApr 20, 2021
Big thanks to the 19 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:
- 👩🎤 Migrate 4 components to emotion.
- 💥 Resume work on the breaking changes, aim for v5.0.0-beta.0 in the next coming months.
- And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 improvements.
@material-ui/[email protected]
Breaking changes
[FormControl] Change default variant from standard to outlined (#24895) @petyosi
Standard has been removed from the Material Design guidelines. This codemod will automatically update your code.-<FormControl value="Standard" /> -<FormControl value="Outlined" variant="outlined" /> +<FormControl value="Standard" variant="standard" /> +<FormControl value="Outlined" />
[Menu] The
variant will not vertically align the selected item with the anchor anymore. (#25691) @m4theushw -
[Popover] Remove the
prop to simplify the positioning logic. (#25691) @m4theushw -
[Select] Change default variant from standard to outlined (#24895) @petyosi
Standard has been removed from the Material Design guidelines. This codemod will automatically update your code.-<Select value="Standard" /> -<Select value="Outlined" variant="outlined" /> +<Select value="Standard" variant="standard" /> +<Select value="Outlined" />
- [Alert] Fix action to be aligned with the text (#25768) @mnajdova
- [Avatar] Fix onload event not firing when img cached (#25793) @npandrei
- [Box] Add utility mui class (#25802) @mnajdova
- [core] Don't call noop event.persist() (#25782) @eps1lon
- [Dialog] Fix support of custom breakpoint units (#25788) @Vikram710
- [List] Fix support for list item container style overrides (#25777) @mnajdova
- [Rating] Allow clearing ratings with arrow keys (#25645) @Vikram710
- [Rating] Fix focus visible regression (#25698) @oliviertassinari
- [Select] Fix specificity of style overrides (#25766) @robphoenix
- [Select] Fix className overwritten (#25815) @siriwatknp
- [Select] Fix overrides for slots (#25796) @mnajdova
- [Snackbar] Fix hidden overlay blocking interactions regression (#25739) @MieleVL
- [TextField] Fix InputAdornment classes (#25749) @mnajdova
- [theme] Avoid mutating args in createSpacing (#25745) @eps1lon
@material-ui/[email protected]
Breaking changes
[Pickers] Rename DayPicker to CalendarPicker (#25810) @eps1lon
-import DayPicker from '@material-ui/lab/DayPicker'; +import CalendarPicker from '@material-ui/lab/CalendarPicker'; createMuiTheme({ components: { - MuiDayPicker: {}, + MuiCalendarPicker: {}, } })
[Pickers] Rename PickersCalendarSkeleton to CalendarPickerSkeleton (#25679) @eps1lon
-import PickersCalendarSkeleton from '@material-ui/lab/PickersCalendarSkeleton'; +import CalendarPickerSkeleton from '@material-ui/lab/CalendarPickerSkeleton';
[Pickers] Rename `date` `view` to `day` (#25685) @eps1lon
-<DatePicker openTo="date" views={['date', 'month']} /> +<DatePicker openTo="day" views={['day', 'month']} />
- [DateRangePicker] Add DateRangePickerDay to theme augmentation list (#25758) @ifndefdeadmau5
- [Pickers] Rename internal DayPickerView to CalendarPickerView (#25817) @eps1lon
- [Pickers] Remove `TView` generic in CalendarPicker (#25818) @eps1lon
- [Pickers] Use passive effect to attach close-on-escape listener (#25819) @eps1lon
- [Timeline] Migrate TimelineDot to emotion (#25830) @vicasas
- [Timeline] Migrate TimelineContent to emotion (#25781) @siriwatknp
- [Timeline] Migrate TimelineItem to emotion (#25822) @vicasas
- [Timeline] Migrate TimelineOppositeContent to emotion (#25816) @vicasas
- [TrapFocus] Make isEnabled and getDoc optional (#25784) @m4theushw
@material-ui/[email protected]
- [styled-engine] Fix shouldForwardProp on slots (#25780) @mnajdova
- [styled-engine] Improve GlobalStyles props (#25751) @mnajdova
@material-ui/[email protected]
- [Avatar] Set backgroundColor from string (#25789) @Vikram710
- [docs] Add demos for public picker components (#25812) @eps1lon
- [docs] Add example with switch dark/light mode (#25823) @Vikram710
- [docs] Add package headings to 5.0.0-alpha.30 changelog (#25733) @eps1lon
- [docs] Add unstyled section to all components coming with the package (#25843) @mnajdova
- [docs] Breakdown Chip demos into smaller ones (#25750) @vicasas
- [docs] Document circular progress inherit (#25736) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Fix /production-error crash (#25839) @eps1lon
- [docs] Fix ad duplication (#25831) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Fix autocommplete disable event value (#25752) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Fix inline-preview selection controls (#25834) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Fix Horizontally centered demo (#25787) @viditrv123
- [docs] Improve pickers migration docs from v3 (#25813) @ahmed-28
- [docs] Move DataGrid editing nav link (#25769) @dtassone
- [docs] Replace Typography color values with system values (#25805) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Remove one inline-style (#25671) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Use gender neutral pronoun for Swipeable Drawer (#25775) @catchanuj
- [examples] Add TypeScript for styled-components engine (#25675) @jqrun
- [l10n] zhTW refinement (#25786) @shakatoday
- [Tabs] Add demo for routing with Tabs (#25827) @ahmed-28
- [website] Add Matheus Wichman (#25801) @m4theushw
- [core] Batch small changes (#25804) @oliviertassinari
- [core] Document token permissions of release:changelog (#25732) @eps1lon
- [core] Error when installing in unsupported node environments (#25795) @eps1lon
- [core] Fix rgba to hex conversion (#25825) @saeedeyvazy
- [core] Normalize usage of pseudo classes selectors (#25748) @mnajdova
- [core] Remove unused public types (#25833) @oliviertassinari
- [core] Remove incorrect overridesResolver usages (#25778) @mnajdova
- [test] Use public imports (#25686) @vicasas
- [core] Use readonly arrays where possible (#25746) @eps1lon
All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @ahmed-28, @catchanuj, @dtassone, @eps1lon, @ifndefdeadmau5, @jqrun, @m4theushw, @MieleVL, @mnajdova, @npandrei, @oliviertassinari, @petyosi, @robphoenix, @saeedeyvazy, @shakatoday, @siriwatknp, @vicasas, @viditrv123, @Vikram710