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Releases: beto-rodriguez/LiveCharts2


16 Jan 07:29
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v2.0.0-rc5 Pre-release

This release brings a lot of improvements to the library, more than 400 commits from the last release; The library it is now compatible with net 9 on Maui, uses SkiaSharp 3 by default (when the UI framework supports it), it supports now GPU rendering (when the UI framework supports it), fixes a lot of pointer-interaction-related issues, improves events, visual elements are easier to customize, and also the drawing engine was re-structured.

Drawing engine improvements

The drawing engine in older versions was really simple, as the library evolved new features were required, like Layouts, but there was one thing missing, when an element was inside a layout, Canvas transform was not applied to the children, this is now supported and required important changes in the internal code of the library that handles drawing, this feature is now used by default on tooltips:


The opacity and scale from the tooltip geometry is also applied to the content inside the tooltip, that was missing in the library and was impossible in older versions, it is a small detail but was required.

The drawing engine code is much cleaner now, the library used interfaces to define all shapes in the core of library, for example the IRoundedRectangleGeometry, then on the SkiaSharp assembly, there was an implementation of this interface; Now instead there is a base abstract class in the core of the library (BaseRoundedRectangleGeometry that inherits from DrawnGeometry), this base class handles animations and transforms, then on the SkiaSharp assembly, we inherit from this base class and just use SkiaSharp to draw the rectangle (see RoundedRectangleGeometry), this is much cleaner and has the potential to remove the dependency of the library on SkiaSharp.

More info at #1705.

Maui Net 9 friendly

in older versions, Maui handlers were not registered following the Maui logic, this caused issues like #1684, or #1703 this is now fixed, but there are breaking changes, you must now call .UseLiveCharts() in the MauiProgram.cs file, more info in the installation guide.

New Visual elements

VisualElements felt hacky, they were hard to customize, now it is much easier to draw anything we need in the canvas, there a lot of new examples in the web site, the old Visuals are still supported but some of them are marked as obsolete.

GPU rendering

When your app starts, you can now call LiveCharts.UseGPU = true this will use the Hardware accelerated view provided by SkiaSharp, there are known limitations, this is not supported on NetFramework due #3111, and also not on Avalonia or Eto, where they provide the Skia assemblies.

New FPS log

We can now know the frames per second on a chart by setting LiveCharts.ShowFPS = true; and even try to get more, for example LiveCharts.MaxFps = 90;, the default is 65, not supported on Avalonia, where frames are handled by the framework.


How many FPS can Blazor render?


About 60, not bad! but that was only the tooltip, now let's move the chart:


Still decent ❤️

Pointer interaction

There is a lot of feedback about how users try to interact with the chart, this version tries to take all that feedback and provide a solution for all the cases, the FindingStrategy property on a CartesianChart, is more flexible, this property allows the user to configure how the library selects points on the chart, the library provides 8 different strategies, but when that is not enough you also create your own logic now, more info at #1687.

The events article was also updated to explain more about this common scenario.

Axis scales

The axis scale is now completely flexible, there is a new article in the site that explains it.

Bye Xamarin

Xamarin is no longer supported.

Breaking Changes

In general, if you are not doing any customization like drawing your own legend, tooltip, a custom visual element or any call to the internal API in the library to draw things, then you are ok, there are no changes, but as explained the Drawing engine was re-structured, this means that any custom draw is probably affected by the API changes, in general the migration should be easy, all your code will be marked as obsolete, and should give you a hint on how to update your code, also the web site is completely updated to the new API, here is a list with the most used features in the library that changed:

  • IChartLegend<T> no longer requires the generic param here is an example to migrate to the new api.
  • IChartTooltip<T> no longer requires the generic param, here is an example to migrate to the new api.
  • The type of the Chart.VisualElements property, changed from ChartElement<T> to ChartElement, also VisualElement<T> cchanged to VisualElement example here and here.
  • There are probably more braking changes if you are drawing directly on the canvas, please refer to the articles in the web site to see how to use the new API, in general most of the changes just removed the TDrawingContext generic param, or the object was renamed (objects were marked as obsolete and there should be a hint in your code with the new name).

For more help on breaking changes, please see #1705.

Fixed issues

Alot :( there is no list here now.

What's Changed

Read more


24 Oct 21:02
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v2.0.0-rc4 Pre-release

This release is a detailed review on every open issue in the library, the reliability of the library should be drastically improved.

Now the library is compatible with SkiaSharp 3, also the Maui, Uno and WinUI views use SkiaSharp 3 by default.

There are still some issues that need attention before the first GA version.

Breaking Changes

There are no breaking changes, but this release removes most of the code that was marked as [Obsolete] in previous versions, so before updating to this version, ensure that there is no an Obsolete warning in the compiler log, here is a list of the most common features in the library that were removed in older versions:

  • When using Mappers, instead of using point.PrimaryValue, now use point.Coordinate.PrimaryValue
  • The AsLiveChartsPieSeries() extension changed to AsPieSeries()
  • On Maui, please update the MauiProgram.cs file, change .UseSkiaSharp(true) to .UseSkiaSharp()

All the documentation on the website is updated, all obsoletes should be removed fro docs now, to get a full list please see the changes on #1625.


  • The library is now compatible with SkiaSharp 3
  • Themes were updated in #1662, now they render legends, tooltips, titles and angular gauges properly.

line dark

  • Toggling series visibility was buggy, especially when using observable collections, this is now fixed with #1656, and visuals are now disposed properly from the UI.
  • Docs were simplified, now we abuse of collection expressions to reduce boilerplate code, the code style in the samples is now consistent across the site.
  • We can now control the number of labels/separatos using the Axis.LabelsDensity property

New samples

The library now has advanced customization samples like:

  • Using Svg paths as labels:

  • Change the rotation of each point based on the data.

fixed issues:

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.0.0-rc3...v2.0.0-rc4


17 Sep 04:26
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2.0.0-rc3.3 Pre-release
  • Multiple issues fixed, thanks everyone for reporting ❤️
  • Updated targets to net 8.
  • NuGet packages are now deterministic

What's Changed

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Full Changelog: v2.0.0-rc2...v2.0.0-rc3


12 Nov 20:49
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2.0.0-rc2 Pre-release

The second release candidate of LiveCharts, this is the last preview before the first GA release 🎉.


Before the first GA release, I decided to spend some time improving the high-performance algorithm, in the next video we are adding 100,000 points each 50ms from multiple threads, then we keep only the last 50 million points in the UI/Memory.


Everything is supper responsive and animated :)

This is a virtualization algorithm, it takes all the the data, and builds a smaller but accurate representation of the full data set, the algorithm evaluates the data at different zoom levels, this takes about 200ms each 10 million records, then it saves some key points in memory (about 13% extra memory allocated), finally when the user interacts with the chart (zooming/panning), the chart can respond in less than 1ms, no matter the total number of records.

This algorithm also works as a circular array, this means that the data can change with basically no performance impact (unless the capacity grows).

These are some benchmarks of the current version:


The high-performance package will be available for everyone with the next release of the library.

Improved interaction on Android/iOS

User interactions with the chart (Zooming, Panning, crosshairs, tapping, scrolling), work much better on both platforms.

New articles

issues fixed

Breaking Changes

Sadly, the performance review required to make a small but braking change, if you are using custom mappers, you must update to the new API:

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.0.0-rc1...v2.0.0-rc2


15 Sep 17:47
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2.0.0-rc1 Pre-release

The first release candidate of LiveCharts2 is finally here, this release fixes a lot of reported issues, and improves the user interaction with the chart on Android, iOS, Mac Catalyst and Windows, a lot of new examples were added to the web site.

Whats next for the LiveCharts2?

Most of the issues of the library seem to be solved now, the first GA release should come soon (November/December 2023), the Backers's Package (performance, themes and extended features) should be available for everyone soon, this package will make it even easier to create stunning charts.

User interaction

This release improves the user interaction with the chart on touch screens, touch pads and the mouse/magic mouse; On MAUI and Uno we use the native events in every OS to create a custom experience for the library, on Avalonia, we use the events provided by the framework.

On previous versions, some examples in the web were not working properly, now every sample works as the docs say.


New charts

Since a couple of releases ago, new chart types were added, this release announces the new types:

  • Angular gauges


  • Error bars


  • Box Series


Multiple new examples in the web site

A lot of examples in the repo were not in the web site, there are a lot of new examples:







Issues fixed:

  • Multiline labels were improved, in previous versions there were special cases where text was not measured properly.
  • Tooltips and legends, now by default wrap every long string into multiple lines, this helps to prevent that the tooltip goes out of the chart, tooltips in LiveCharts are limited to the control area but when you need a "framework specific" tooltip, you can create your own (#912)
  • Events on MAUI and Uno work much better, the implementation of native events, allowed LiveCharts to invoke the correct event no matter the OS the chart is running on.
  • #1076
  • #1188
  • #1198
  • #1242
  • #1209 (updated site sample, see the web site for the solution)
  • #1140
  • #1200
  • #738
  • #1145
  • #1154
  • #1166
  • #907

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.0.0-beta.910...2.0.0-rc1


02 Aug 18:22
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2.0.0-beta.910 Pre-release

Fixes a critical memory leak.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 2.0.0-beta.900...2.0.0-beta.910


30 Jul 23:52
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2.0.0-beta.900 Pre-release

MacOS improvements

  • Multiple improvements in the labels measuring and positioning, labels were not measured and placed properly specially on MacOS.

Multiple improvements to MAUI

  • The MAUI view now considers the DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Density to scale the plot, now the look of the charts is consistent on multiple devices/OS, if you built a custom scale, now it is no longer necessary.
  • MAUI zooming and panning was improved, but on desktop devices we still cannot use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out, because MAUI does not provide a way (or an easy one) to detect the mouse wheel moves, if you are interested in this feature, let the MAUI team know it at #16130.
  • Now LiveCharts events work properly on MAUI.

Default tooltips are smarter

Now (by default) when a series has no name set, the tooltip will ignore the series label (in older versions the label Series #1, Series #2 ... Series #n was displayed).


But as soon as you set the Series.Name property it will be shown in the tooltip:


When an axis has Labels, the label will be used as the header of the tooltip:


Transforms animations were improved

There was a bug in the core of LiveCharts that caused that transforms were not animated properly; they are now fixed:


Right to left writing

  • Now you can configure LiveCharts to render tooltips and labels from right to left.


LiveCharts.Configure(config => config
  .HasGlobalSKTypeface(SKTypeface.FromFamilyName("Noto Naskh Arabic"))

It is now easy to create SVG based points:

    var seriesCollection = new ISeries[]
        new LineSeries<double, SVGPathGeometry>
            Values = new double[] { -2, 2, 1, 3, -1, 4, 3 },
            Fill = null,
            GeometrySvg = SVGPoints.Star,
            GeometrySize = 20
        new LineSeries<double, SVGPathGeometry>
            Values = new double[] { 3, 4, -1, 3, 1, 2, -2 },
            Fill = null,
            GeometrySvg = SVGPoints.Heart,
            GeometrySize = 20
        new LineSeries<double, SVGPathGeometry>
            Values = new double[] { -2, 2, 1, 3, -1, 4, 3 },
            Fill = null,
            GeometrySvg = "insert your svg path here",
            GeometrySize = 20


Scrollable charts


code here

MVVM improved

There are new commands that are useful to follow MVVM, the scrollable chart sample above implements the MVVM pattern, also the add point on click sample was updated to use MVVM.

Fixed issues


Other changes (auto-generated)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta.800...2.0.0-beta.900


12 Jun 21:54
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beta.800 Pre-release

This release fixes a bunch of bugs and visual glitches (thanks for all the reports!) and also reinforces the layout system of the library, useful to create custom legends or tooltips (and more, no docs about it yet), Now the library has its own version of Stack/wrap panels and also tables, a lot of new tests were introduced and helped to clean and find a lot of issues in the library.

Should I update?

Yes! this should be a mature version of the library; there a bunch of new tests introduced in this version, a lot of fixed issues, it is recommended to update if you are using an older version, there are only a couple of braking changes, and they should only affect you if you built a custom legend or tooltip.

Most of the known issues of the library should be solved now, there is a low change to introduce a new braking change after this release in the way to version 2.0.0.

What is the state of the library now?

In general, the core features of the library seem really solid (there are a few issues like #834 that need to be fixed yet), soon the next step will be to spend more time on the supported platform specific bugs, please keep reporting it helps a lot.

Better tooltips

Tooltips changed a lot in the last couple of releases, now the library completely draws them instead of using the Framework to render them, this introduced some new bugs and that is why the layout system of the library was reinforced, ToolTips look better and are placed in a smarter way:




Now it is easier to customize tooltips, in general VisualElements in the library had a deep review, in the next case, there is a bounce animation for the tooltip, this demonstrates the flexibility of LiveCharts to build animations and drawn controls:



Better legends

Same as tooltips, now legends behave much better, and by default wrap the content when there is not enough space:


Customs legends are more flexible:


Fixed issues


Breaking changes

1. Custom legends

IChartLegend changed, this should only affect you if you built a custom legend.


public interface IChartLegend<TDrawingContext>
    void Draw(Chart<TDrawingContext> chart);


public interface IChartLegend<TDrawingContext>
    void Draw(Chart<TDrawingContext> chart);

    LvcSize Measure(Chart<TDrawingContext> chart);

2. Custom tooltips

This should only affect you if you built a custom tooltip, this change prevents a tooltip to hold a refence to the chart, instead LiveCharts will inject the chart.

IChartTooltip<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>.Hide() method changed to IChartTooltip<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>.Hide(Chart<TDrawingContext> chart)

This is an example of how to migrate a custom tooltip from version beta.710 and lower:


public class SKDefaultTooltip : IChartTooltip<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
    private Chart<SkiaSharpDrawingContext> _chart;

   // then we used to set the _chart in the Show() method.

    public void Hide()
        if (_chart is null || _panel is null) return;


public class SKDefaultTooltip : IChartTooltip<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
    public void Hide(Chart<SkiaSharpDrawingContext> chart)
        if (chart is null || _panel is null) return;

3. Some event handlers were simplified.

For the series: LineSeries, StepLineSeries, StackedAreaSeries and StackedStepAreaSeries the ChartPointPointerDown, ChartPointPointerHover and ChartPointPointerHoverLost events are now much simpler, if you are using any of those events in any of those series, you must update the handler method. This makes all the series events consistent.

This is an example of how to migrate from beta.710 and lower:


var lineSeries = new LineSeries<int>();

lineSeries.ChartPointPointerDown +=
   (IChartView chart, ChartPoint<int, BezierPoint<CircleGeometry>, LabelGeometry>? point) =>
        // point was clicked!


var lineSeries = new LineSeries<int>();

lineSeries.ChartPointPointerDown +=
    (IChartView chart, ChartPoint<int, CircleGeometry, LabelGeometry>? point) =>
        // point was clicked!

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta.700...v2.0.0-beta.800


19 Dec 07:33
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beta.700 Pre-release


Multiple improvements in the Blazor WebAssembly view, take a look at this web site, it is running LiveCharts on the browser with an amazing performance. Improvements also in memory management by @pkindruk, now the library consumes less resources. Themes are ready for production and will soon be available for everyone. Tooltips had a full review; tooltips are now completely drawn by the library instead of the UI framework.

LiveCharts on the browser

Take a look at LiveCharts running in the broswer

Multiple improvements in net 7 allow LiveCharts to run in the browser, with an amazing performance via Blazor WASM, you can find that site in this repository, it is Blazor Sample project, the loading time of the site is amazing for a SPA, Blazor is just amazing.

Memory management

The library is more efficient to render the charts, this is an effort of @pkindruk that made significant improvements on memory allocation.


Themes had a deep review, there are basically no changes on the default themes, but internally there is a new world behind them, themes docs will be public soon, it is now super easy to create themes for the library.

Tooltips and legends

Tooltips and legends are now completely handled by the library, due multiple issues we faced with the old approach (use the UI framework to render them), Tooltips are now animated, have rounded borders, shadows and should consume less resources, in older versions all those previous factors depend on the UI Framework.

Breaking changes

Tooltips and legends fonts and text size are now handled by the library, this means that we must use the LiveCharts API to give format to text in tooltips and legends:

cartesianChart = new CartesianChart
    Series = viewModel.Series,

    TooltipTextSize = 16, 
    TooltipTextPaint = new SolidColorPaint 
        Color = new SKColor(242, 244, 195), 
        SKTypeface = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName("Courier New") 
    TooltipBackgroundPaint =new SolidColorPaint(new SKColor(72, 0, 50))

The site is updated you can there find a sample for your target UI framework.

This has multiple benefits, we have full control over what is going on all the platforms, instead of depending on 9 different APIS (all the platforms) also tooltips and legends are now team-able.

What's Changed

New Contributors

There are multiple issues fixed, please take a look at the full log for more details

Full Changelog: beta.500...v2.0.0-beta.700


07 Oct 04:41
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beta.500 Pre-release

What's new?

Conditional draw is back!

Conditional draw is back to v2! this was the last thing missing from v0 🚀, the library needed to mature to implement this, now it feels solid enough to add this feature.

In the following sample, we highlight the bars above 5.


// full code at 
var series1 = new ColumnSeries<ObservableValue>
    Name = "Mary",
    Values = new ObservableValue[] { ... }
.WithConditionalPaint(new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Black.WithAlpha(50)))
.When(point => point.Model?.Value > 5);

Clockwise pies and gaunges

You can change the direction of a pie or a gauge using the PieChart.IsClockwise property, this sample has a cool bounce animation 😎


Crosshair just works!


// full code at:

private static readonly SKColor s_crosshair = new(255, 171, 145);

public Axis[] XAxes { get; set; } =
    new Axis
        CrosshairPaint = new SolidColorPaint
            Color = s_crosshair,
            StrokeThickness = 3
        CrosshairLabelsPaint = new SolidColorPaint
            Color = SKColors.Black,
            SKFontStyle =  new SKFontStyle(SKFontStyleWeight.SemiBold, SKFontStyleWidth.Normal, SKFontStyleSlant.Upright),
        CrosshairLabelsBackground = s_crosshair.AsLvcColor(),
        CrosshairPadding = new Padding(10, 20, 10, 10)

Fonts are flexible now

Now we can style fonts, bold, italics, fonts and more.


// full code at:
public Axis[] XAxes { get; set; } =
    new Axis
        Name = "Salesman/woman",
        Labels = new string[] { "王", "赵", "张" },
        LabelsPaint = new SolidColorPaint
            Color = SKColors.Black,
            //  now the library exposes the SKTypeface on paint objects.
            SKTypeface = SKFontManager.Default.MatchCharacter('汉')

public Axis[] YAxes { get; set; } =
    new Axis
        Name = "Sales amount",
        NamePadding = new LiveChartsCore.Drawing.Padding(0, 15),
        Labeler = Labelers.Currency,
        LabelsPaint = new SolidColorPaint
            Color = SKColors.Blue,
            FontFamily = "Times New Roman",
            SKFontStyle = new SKFontStyle(SKFontStyleWeight.ExtraBold, SKFontStyleWidth.Normal, SKFontStyleSlant.Italic)

We can now set titles to charts.

In this sample we place a LabelVisual, but you can place any visual actually, this is specially useful to generate images with the library where you do not have a UI to set a title.


// full code:
// view:    
// viewmodel:

public LabelVisual Title { get; set; } =
    new LabelVisual
        Text = "My chart title",
        TextSize = 25,
        Padding = new LiveChartsCore.Drawing.Padding(15),
        Paint = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.DarkSlateGray)

There is now an easy way to control the max zoom level of a chart.

see #630 for more info.

Fixed issues

Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta.400...beta.500