Releases: i-dot-ai/redbox
Releases · i-dot-ai/redbox
What's Changed
- feature/rename ChatHistory -> Chat by @gecBurton in #933
- Feature/remove chatmessageratingchip by @gecBurton in #935
- Add sitemap page by @KevinEtchells in #942
- Make chat-history and document-selection panels sticky by @KevinEtchells in #936
- Update accessibility statement by @KevinEtchells in #948
- feature/all views under view dir by @gecBurton in #949
- Feature/simplify consumers by @gecBurton in #947
- Added ingress rule to django and core-api ecs tasks for lambdas by @252afh in #950
- Revert "Feature/simplify consumers" by @gecBurton in #953
- Feature/empty docs tables by @KevinEtchells in #952
- feature/added data export by @gecBurton in #943
- Feature/graph refactor by @jamesrichards4 in #918
- Add TF vars for largest chunk size by @wpfl-dbt in #955
- feature/added is_developer field by @gecBurton in #957
- Add error message for users in case of 429 errors by @rachaelcodes in #959
- Bump the minor-patch group across 5 directories with 15 updates by @dependabot in #960
- feature/user-select-llm by @gecBurton in #958
- Add new option to business unit dropdown by @KevinEtchells in #963
- feature/added missing variables by @gecBurton in #965
- Bump aiohttp from 3.10.2 to 3.10.3 in /notebooks in the pip group across 1 directory by @dependabot in #961
- bugfix/fix-envvars by @gecBurton in #972
- Dockerfile casing and doc tidy by @lmwilkigov in #979
- Tracking tokens in state object by @jamesrichards4 in #981
- Feature/llm fallbacks by @jamesrichards4 in #985
- feature/make-worker-a-django-task by @gecBurton in #964
- Bump gunicorn from 22.0.0 to 23.0.0 by @dependabot in #969
- Bump deepeval from 0.21.78 to 1.0.3 in /redbox-core by @dependabot in #970
- Add a conditional that checks that document tokens don't exceed n by @wpfl-dbt in #987
- Explicitly change the rds module to build a simple database by @252afh in #983
- feature/remove redis by @gecBurton in #988
- Allows token counts to be streamed out of the app by @wpfl-dbt in #991
- Fixes bug where deleting a single file deleted all embeddings by @wpfl-dbt in #995
- feature/s3_key is now the pk by @gecBurton in #989
- feature/remove-rest-chat by @gecBurton in #992
- Clear up unit tests in redbox-core, add tests for loaders by @wpfl-dbt in #997
- Tracks tokens in Django by @rachaelcodes in #998
- Added env integration layer to django and db in docker-compose by @jamesrichards4 in #999
- Bugfix/only close websocket once by @gecBurton in #1000
- feature/added json-download by @gecBurton in #990
- bugfix/remove unique check by @gecBurton in #1001
- bugfix/switched to original_file_name by @gecBurton in #1002
- feature/added parameters for django-q by @gecBurton in #1003
- Fixing type issues in redbox emitted events by @jamesrichards4 in #1005
- bugfx/int-envvvars by @gecBurton in #1004
- Update make command for dynamo lock table by @dk-singh in #1007
- feature/user-admin-is_developer by @gecBurton in #1006
- Making the token count check do both max_tokens and context_window ch… by @jamesrichards4 in #1008
Full Changelog: 0.6.0...0.6.1
What's Changed
- Bump the minor-patch group with 5 updates by @dependabot in #863
- Include all poetry environments in dependabot updates. by @brunns in #864
- REDBOX-561 - Add Cache-control: no-store header to all responses. by @brunns in #862
- Bump the minor-patch group across 4 directories with 15 updates by @dependabot in #865
- Bump pytest-cov from 4.1.0 to 5.0.0 in /django_app by @dependabot in #867
- Bump watchdog from 3.0.0 to 4.0.1 in /django_app by @dependabot in #868
- Bump pydantic from 1.10.15 to 2.8.2 by @dependabot in #866
- REDBOX-557 - Shorten session lifetime. by @brunns in #861
- Allow user to override auto-scrolling by @KevinEtchells in #870
- feature/turn-on-ci by @gecBurton in #871
- Skipping demographics page should go to chats page. by @brunns in #872
- Fix status updates on file upload and reingestion by @rachaelcodes in #869
- Workaround for setuptools issue by @brunns in #879
- Bump the minor-patch group across 3 directories with 3 updates by @dependabot in #880
- Bump the minor-patch group across 5 directories with 4 updates by @dependabot in #884
- Fix chat-history panel scrolling by @KevinEtchells in #882
- Feature/move to langgraph by @jamesrichards4 in #883
- Spike/langgraph by @jamesrichards4 in #875
- Show newly completed files on chats page by @KevinEtchells in #873
- Bugfix/attempt to fix GitHub action notifications by @252afh in #885
- Add command to check file status by @rachaelcodes in #876
- Feature/run ecr images in lambda by @252afh in #856
- Remove info route from integration test by @rachaelcodes in #892
- Remove mypy checks. by @brunns in #893
- Ensure footer is pinned to bottom on larger screens by @KevinEtchells in #890
- REDBOX-560 - Add Report-To header. by @brunns in #874
- Bump the minor-patch group across 4 directories with 10 updates by @dependabot in #895
- Tighten CSP around trusted types by @KevinEtchells in #881
- Fix weird issue with preprod release not having the users github handle by @252afh in #897
- Add redirect for security.txt by @brunns in #896
- Add comment explaining why poetry-plugin-bundle is pinned by @brunns in #898
- Various minor refactorings by @brunns in #899
- Bump django-allauth from 0.63.6 to 64.0.0 in /django_app by @dependabot in #903
- Bump the minor-patch group across 5 directories with 4 updates by @dependabot in #904
- Setting embedding batch size. Fixing some vscode env nonsense too by @jamesrichards4 in #900
- AISettings no longer part of Settings by @gecBurton in #894
- Move some behavior from the views to the model, and add some docstrings. by @brunns in #905
- Bugfix/ai settings type validation by @jamesrichards4 in #907
- Fix incorrect name for target modules that missed core-api by @252afh in #908
- removed accounts/ by @gecBurton in #911
- Remove chunk model by @jamesrichards4 in #909
- Feature/ecs ready check and lambda image change by @252afh in #912
- Prevent accidental double-clicking of submit buttons by @KevinEtchells in #914
- Bump the minor-patch group across 5 directories with 11 updates by @dependabot in #919
- Show version number on support page. by @brunns in #652
- Remove compressor by @252afh in #920
- Feature/clarify django status by @rachaelcodes in #915
- feature/remove-unused-workflow by @gecBurton in #922
- Feature/use unstructured local api by @gecBurton in #917
- feature/removed pillow by @gecBurton in #924
- Retry if sending feedback fails by @KevinEtchells in #921
- Show loading message when uploading large files by @KevinEtchells in #923
- feature/moved worker code to core by @gecBurton in #926
- Feature/add aisettings to django by @rachaelcodes in #927
- Bump the minor-patch group across 4 directories with 8 updates by @dependabot in #928
- feature/added admin for ai-settings by @gecBurton in #929
- Feature/stop streaming button by @KevinEtchells in #930
- Added unstructured host to worker vscode launch config by @jamesrichards4 in #934
Full Changelog: 0.5.0...0.6.0
What's Changed
- Providing embedding field name to retriever by @jamesrichards4 in #697
- Setting embedding retries to 10 and limiting to a single worker to re… by @jamesrichards4 in #699
- Made rate limiting delay on embeddings larger and configurable by @jamesrichards4 in #704
- Adds an AI workflow for CI by @wpfl-dbt in #715
- Use new error notification panel by @KevinEtchells in #717
- Tidy-up Notification Banner usage by @KevinEtchells in #721
- Adds a framework for running DeepEval unit tests by @wpfl-dbt in #714
- Fix and tidy up routes display by @KevinEtchells in #723
- Bugfix/show routes by @KevinEtchells in #724
- Bump the minor-patch group across 1 directory with 9 updates by @dependabot in #726
- REDBOX 444 - Show user friendly error messages. by @brunns in #725
- New core-api PUT endpoint for file reingestion by @rachaelcodes in #728
- Remove USE_STREAMING feature toggle. by @brunns in #729
- Switched to Azure embeddings in semantic router, api and worker by @jamesrichards4 in #680
- Feature/core api pyproject by @gecBurton in #730
- Feature/build and deploy action by @252afh in #716
- CHORE: Added ned values to the example.env which I needed before I co… by @JLoweAI in #740
- feature/pyproject-worker by @gecBurton in #738
- Implement new route-display design by @KevinEtchells in #743
- chore/faster-mypy by @gecBurton in #746
- added websockets by @gecBurton in #749
- Changed slack integration to use webhook url instead of bot token by @252afh in #751
- Fix callable to new repo name by @252afh in #752
- Bump the minor-patch group across 1 directory with 2 updates by @dependabot in #754
- Bump Django version by @brunns in #755
- Bugfix/test ai by @gecBurton in #756
- chore/update-docs by @gecBurton in #757
- Feature/parceljs by @KevinEtchells in #750
- Feature/redbox 430 backwards compatiblity by @jamesrichards4 in #739
- Bump Python 3.11 to 3.12. by @brunns in #759
- Bugfix/css fixes by @KevinEtchells in #761
- feature/move-ai-code-to-redbox-core by @gecBurton in #760
- Set all cicd steps to not run temporarily by @252afh in #765
- Bump the minor-patch group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #762
- REDBOX-396: user ratings by @brunns in #745
- chore/increase storage to 30 gb for core and worker by @gecBurton in #768
- Revert "Set all cicd steps to not run temporarily" by @gecBurton in #769
- Adds a pyproject to the notebooks directory by @wpfl-dbt in #772
- Adds pytest config to worker to match core-api by @wpfl-dbt in #775
- Improve focus behaviour of chat messages and feedback by @KevinEtchells in #780
- bugfix/ai-tests by @gecBurton in #781
- Documentation update and styling by @lmwilkigov in #771
- feature/simplifiy-dependencies-2 by @gecBurton in #782
- Bump the minor-patch group across 1 directory with 6 updates by @dependabot in #784
- Test bulk user upload. by @brunns in #787
- Turn off cicd for now by @252afh in #788
- Add elbow filter to retriever by @wpfl-dbt in #785
- Local Development: note on permission fix for elastic by @lmwilkigov in #789
- Remove old_source_files. by @brunns in #790
- REDBOX-440 - Editable chat title by @brunns in #770
- Allow custom configuration of additional hosts by @brunns in #791
- Add file name to chunk metadata and insert into formatted chunk by @wpfl-dbt in #794
- Exclude AI generated content from a11y testing. by @brunns in #797
- feature/disable-ai-tests by @gecBurton in #798
- bugfix/create-test-index by @gecBurton in #786
- Changed remaining references to redbox-copilot to just redbox by @252afh in #753
- Announce when message streaming has completed to screen-reader users by @KevinEtchells in #792
- Add posthog by @KevinEtchells in #718
- Update URL when a new chat is created by @KevinEtchells in #800
- [REDBOX-496/498] Make the default route go to chat with LLM; chat with or without documents by @andy-symonds in #778
- feature/add-summarisation_chunk_max_tokens-to-tf by @gecBurton in #803
- Fix journey tests for updated routes. by @brunns in #806
- Return 404 where appropriate. by @brunns in #801
- Replace nul fields in user entered text. by @brunns in #804
- feature/save-citations by @gecBurton in #805
- Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.23.7 to 0.23.8 in the minor-patch group by @dependabot in #802
- Tidy-up web-component JavaScript files by @KevinEtchells in #808
- Feature/simplify worker tests by @gecBurton in #809
- Display citation page numbers by @brunns in #807
- Feature/log failure to ingest code by @gecBurton in #810
- [REDBOX-498] Fix logic to switch between stuff and map-reduce chat chain by @andy-symonds in #812
- feature/clean-file-status by @gecBurton in #811
- bugfix/removed-chunk_status by @gecBurton in #816
- Added new chunk resolution to allow using summarisation level chunks by @jamesrichards4 in #793
- Feature/sticky chat input redbox 538 by @KevinEtchells in #818
- Group chat history by date. by @brunns in #813
- bugfix/stable-worker-tests by @gecBurton in #819
- Bump the minor-patch group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #814
- Re-enabled workflows by @252afh in #820
- Added lambda for deleting expired files by @252afh in #776
- Feature/redbox 497 by @jamesrichards4 in #825
- Change date grouping to make more sense by @brunns in #821
- feature/pin-redbox-core-dependency-for-worker by @gecBurton in #824
- Bump the minor-patch group across 1 directory with 4 updates by @dependabot in #828
- Add copy-to-clipboard button by @KevinEtchells in #822
- Refactor/generalise chat runnables by @andy-symonds in #832
- Ignore errored and deleted files in file deletion command by @rachaelcodes in #834
- Bugfix/small tweaks by @KevinEtchells in #830
- Bump the minor-patch group with 5 updates by @dependabot in #836
- REDBOX-550 - Pre-canned prompt options. by @brunns in #826
- REDBOX-551 - Collect name and ai experience level by @brunns in #833
- Add basic django-command Module by @rachaelcodes in #831
- File reingestion management command by @rachaelcodes in #838
- [REDBOX-490] Calculate summarisation chunk size from context size by @andy-symonds in #835
- Make select_document message more general by @andy-symonds in #840
- Split Django views into smaller modules by @brunns in
What's Changed
- Make demographic data optional again. by @brunns in #606
- Run integration and build on push to main by @brunns in #604
- Fix build after making demographic data optional. by @brunns in #608
- Bugfix/duplicated prompt in response by @jamesrichards4 in #613
- REDBOX-234 show file expiry by @brunns in #611
- Use dataclasses for json deserialisation by @brunns in #609
- Bugfix: Add word break to chat boxes by @rachaelcodes in #615
- Ensure that a user can only see their own chat history. by @brunns in #616
- Bump the minor-patch group with 5 updates by @dependabot in #614
- Bump the minor-patch group with 4 updates by @dependabot in #618
- Bump pikepdf from 8.15.1 to 9.0.0 by @dependabot in #603
- Add environment to starting runners so logs go to the correct place by @252afh in #622
- Added tag to rds and secrets by @252afh in #624
- Update poetry.lock. by @brunns in #625
- Move "My details" link to top nav. by @brunns in #620
- Send route name to the front end by @rachaelcodes in #621
- Added keywords to routing by @wpfl-dbt in #626
- Feature/large doc summarisation by @andy-symonds in #617
- Feature/new design system by @KevinEtchells in #623
- Add functions to save and load embeddings by @wpfl-dbt in #532
- Added policy to allow github runner to access s3 bucket for redbox specifically by @252afh in #629
- Added build targets to the correct modules for terraform apply by @252afh in #631
- EN-28 - AWS tagging updates by @RyanWhite25 in #597
- Bump the minor-patch group across 1 directory with 9 updates by @dependabot in #634
- Skip sign in confirmation page. by @brunns in #619
- Persist route in Django chat message. by @brunns in #628
- Bump sentence-transformers from 2.7.0 to 3.0.1 by @dependabot in #602
- Bump urllib3 from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 in /django_app in the pip group across 1 directory by @dependabot in #600
- Feature/UI tweaks by @KevinEtchells in #632
- Feature/capture chunks by @gecBurton in #564
- Fix links in top nav to be absolute rather than relative. by @brunns in #637
- Revert sentence-transformers version to < 3.0. by @brunns in #636
- Added vanilla route by @lmwilkigov in #635
- Bump the minor-patch group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #639
- Revert "Feature/capture chunks" by @gecBurton in #640
- Bump the minor-patch group with 4 updates by @dependabot in #646
- Journey tests - ensure correct route is use, as selected by keyword by @brunns in #642
- EN-28 - chore: update secret tags to use new value by @RyanWhite25 in #647
- Feature/updated docs and versions by @lmwilkigov in #645
- [A/B] Changes to the RAG functionality by @wpfl-dbt in #630
- Feature/redbox 411 documents refactor by @jamesrichards4 in #644
- added change-log action by @gecBurton in #649
- fixed change-log by @gecBurton in #650
- Add route_name to e2e tests by @rachaelcodes in #648
- Fixing poetry lock by @jamesrichards4 in #651
- Update setup documentation for local django login by @lmwilkigov in #653
- check route_path with strings by @rachaelcodes in #654
- Test routes in user journey test by @brunns in #655
- Update to latest i.AI design system (increasing max-width) by @KevinEtchells in #657
- Formatting improvement - treat our code as 1st party by @brunns in #660
- [BUGFIX] Fixed structure of uploaded files in quickupload.ipynb by @wpfl-dbt in #661
- Add parallel processing to
step of map reduce summarisation by @andy-symonds in #656 - Bump the minor-patch group with 5 updates by @dependabot in #658
- added LLM max-tokens to tf by @gecBurton in #662
- feature/import users from admin by @gecBurton in #664
- Catch and display timeout errors communicating with core-api during message streaming. by @brunns in #669
- bugfix/vanilla->chat by @gecBurton in #670
- Added chat to the routes that are e2e tested by @wpfl-dbt in #671
- Bump the minor-patch group with 5 updates by @dependabot in #675
- Feature/add route to markup for all messages by @brunns in #672
- Add Citations to Django app by @gecBurton in #641
- Feature/redbox 411 chunk refactor in api by @jamesrichards4 in #673
- chore/backfill change-log by @gecBurton in #668
- collect citations for non-streamed responses by @rachaelcodes in #676
- Add an environment variable to set the context window size by @wpfl-dbt in #674
- bugfix/added fix for missing url by @gecBurton in #677
- Corrected use of prompts in environment variables by @wpfl-dbt in #678
- Bump the minor-patch group with 6 updates by @dependabot in #682
- Auto-expand message input to match content by @KevinEtchells in #679
- Don't attempt to upload large files in the journey test. by @brunns in #684
- Do not show link to deleted files. by @brunns in #687
- bugfix/pinned unstructured by @gecBurton in #688
- Add Django admin command for reupload by @rachaelcodes in #686
- Add logic within summarisation route to select appropriate stuff or map reduce method by @andy-symonds in #681
- [BUGFIX] All documents returned for the summariser by @wpfl-dbt in #691
- Test routes with and without file selected in journey test. by @brunns in #690
- Catch openai.APIError while getting chain response, and pass that on as an error to Django. by @brunns in #683
- [A/B] Condense question prompt by @wpfl-dbt in #692
- Remove S3 dependency from chunking process by @wpfl-dbt in #695
- Bump the minor-patch group across 1 directory with 2 updates by @dependabot in #693
- Feature/redbox 367 show citation text by @brunns in #696
- Visit citations page in user journey test. by @brunns in #700
- Show route to staff users by @rachaelcodes in #698
- Upgrade to i.AI design system 0.3.4 by @KevinEtchells in #701
- Update name from "Redbox Copilot" to "Redbox" everywhere. by @brunns in #702
- Moved condense to become the new RAG route by @wpfl-dbt in #703
- bugfix/gpt4-settings by @gecBurton in #707
- Bump the minor-pat...
What's Changed
- Feature/redbox 146 make file subapp by @rachaelcodes in #221
- Bugfix/ruff not checking code by @gecBurton in #222
- Fix browser console errors by @KevinEtchells in #227
- feature/REDBOX-155-remove-streamlit-from-main-redbox-repo by @gecBurton in #226
- bugfix/implicit single connection by @gecBurton in #224
- add: infrastructure folder by @ghannay10 in #196
- added a redis insatance by @gecBurton in #229
- Feature/redbox 106 add vanilla chat by @rachaelcodes in #234
- feature/use html as example file by @gecBurton in #238
- Code reference documentation by @lmwilkigov in #235
- Feature/help pages by @KevinEtchells in #233
- added model to docker build by @lmwilkigov in #240
- Dockerising mlflow by @tayyib-saddique in #181
- Feature/health endpoints for workers by @gecBurton in #243
- feature/rationalise-file-endpoint-post by @gecBurton in #242
- Build file-status update JavaScript by @KevinEtchells in #247
- feature/core api deployment by @gecBurton in #230
- bugfix/corrected-redis-sg by @gecBurton in #249
- Formatting fix by @brunns in #252
- bugfix/ignore-faststream-upgrade by @gecBurton in #251
- Feature/deploy embedder ingester by @gecBurton in #254
- Bump the minor-patch group across 1 directory with 5 updates by @dependabot in #260
- feature/deploy-OPENAI-API-KEY by @gecBurton in #261
- feature/switched to having one sg per ecs service by @gecBurton in #263
- add: waf by @ghannay10 in #266
- Feature/rds by @252afh in #265
- add: cognito by @ghannay10 in #271
- bugfix/extend s3 access to ingester and embedder by @gecBurton in #273
- Fixed chunking so index is set correctly by @wpfl-dbt in #276
- Add a basic sessions page by @KevinEtchells in #275
- Build auth templates by @KevinEtchells in #280
- feature/REDBOX-105-add-RAG-chat-only by @gecBurton in #274
- feature/REDBOX-138-tighten-the-definition-of-metadata by @gecBurton in #262
- feature/integration test extended to cover RAG by @gecBurton in #279
- ruff format by @lmwilkigov in #282
- Feature/redbox 169 merge embedder and ingester into one service by @gecBurton in #268
- Add file upload endpoint for testing by @lmwilkigov in #284
- removed unused code by @gecBurton in #286
- Added models and migrations based on schema diagram by @252afh in #237
- Log cleanup and clarification by @lmwilkigov in #290
- added realistic tests data by @gecBurton in #293
- Bugfix/fix migration being arranged incorrectly by @252afh in #297
- Added django_magic_link package and email settings by @252afh in #281
- bugfix/made settings optional by @gecBurton in #299
- Feature/redbox 200 move sources to a separate field for chat endpoint responses by @gecBurton in #298
- Feature/deploy django ecs by @gecBurton in #292
- Feature/chat page functionality by @KevinEtchells in #295
- feature/remove-embeedding-endpoint by @gecBurton in #300
- feature/REDBOX-170-add-jwt-to-core-api by @gecBurton in #301
- Adding AWS_REGION as an empty parameter in .env.example to ensure new… by @andy-symonds in #303
- Fix for new core-api /chat/rag/ schema. by @brunns in #304
- Add client-side streaming to sessions page by @KevinEtchells in #306
- Feature/redbox 171 add user filtering to core api by @gecBurton in #309
- bugfix/restore-image-tag by @gecBurton in #315
- bugfix/restored model download by @gecBurton in #316
- Bump the minor-patch group across 1 directory with 16 updates by @dependabot in #319
- feature/REDBOX-171-add-user-filtering-to-core-api-part-2 by @gecBurton in #321
- Remove old frontend prototypes by @KevinEtchells in #322
- Django layer of chat streaming by @brunns in #317
- Start to introduce additional linting rules. by @brunns in #323
- Bump the minor-patch group across 1 directory with 8 updates by @dependabot in #332
- mlflow - connecting endpoints to tracking server by @tayyib-saddique in #277
- Make logging show up from Django app running in container. by @brunns in #335
- feature/deploy-django-to-internet by @gecBurton in #328
- Feature/add document management using filefield by @252afh in #320
- Feature/django-fixes by @gecBurton in #341
- Bump pydantic from 1.10.15 to 2.7.1 by @dependabot in #340
- Bump gunicorn from 20.1.0 to 22.0.0 by @dependabot in #339
- Bump gunicorn from 20.1.0 to 22.0.0 in /mlflow in the pip group across 1 directory by @dependabot in #336
- Feature/response feedback by @KevinEtchells in #327
- Feature/homepage update by @KevinEtchells in #333
- now using empty strings rather than null by @gecBurton in #344
- Spike/redbox 204 rag evaluation by @andy-symonds in #330
- Downgraded torch to 2.2.2 by @wpfl-dbt in #345
- Updates poetry lockfile after torch downgrade by @wpfl-dbt in #351
- Fix button alignment on Documents page by @KevinEtchells in #354
- feature/refactored chunking code by @gecBurton in #324
- Fix new session for every message bug by @brunns in #356
- feature/test-sign-in by @gecBurton in #343
- Added API error codes and implemented 404 on file endpoints by @wpfl-dbt in #350
- Management command for E2E tests by @brunns in #346
- Disable chunk clustering default by @lmwilkigov in #355
- Added list files endpoint by @wpfl-dbt in #360
- Bugfix/fix trailing slashes by removing whitenoise by @252afh in #359
- Feature/markdown to html by @KevinEtchells in #337
- Add COMPRESSION_ENABLED checks by @KevinEtchells in #363
- Notebook for generating CoreAPI token by @lmwilkigov in #364
- service discovery added by @gecBurton in #349
- Redirect to documents page on sucessful file upload by @KevinEtchells in #365
- bugfix/REDBOX-239-error-on-sign-in-if-already-signed-in by @gecBurton in #367
- Add condition to use small instance type for non prod env. by @dk-singh in
What's Changed
- Create by @lmwilkigov in #91
- Docs tidy by @lmwilkigov in #92
- Update issue templates by @lmwilkigov in #93
- Update issue templates by @lmwilkigov in #94
- Bump the minor-patch group with 5 updates by @dependabot in #95
- Bump the minor-patch group with 5 updates by @dependabot in #97
- Bump the minor-patch group with 7 updates by @dependabot in #99
- Bump the minor-patch group with 5 updates by @dependabot in #102
- Add govuk frontend loading with scss and npm by @252afh in #98
- Fixed decontainer build with poetry and docker by @lmwilkigov in #104
- Feature/redbox 73 unit test core api by @gecBurton in #103
- Bump the minor-patch group with 5 updates by @dependabot in #105
- REDBOX 76: Adds File status updates to core-api upload by @rachaelcodes in #106
- Bump urllib3 from 1.26.18 to 2.0.7 by @dependabot in #96
- Add elastic repo by @lmwilkigov in #110
- Add document upload page by @KevinEtchells in #109
- Feature/redbox 74 trigger embedding post ingest by @gecBurton in #108
- Adding persona pages by @tayyib-saddique in #107
- Bugfix/ingest to embed message exchange by @gecBurton in #113
- Bump the minor-patch group with 8 updates by @dependabot in #115
- Feature/document management page by @KevinEtchells in #117
- Feature/redbox 46 migrate legacy app into streamlit test rig by @lmwilkigov in #119
- embed app now updates chunks with embeddings by @gecBurton in #114
- Bump the minor-patch group with 4 updates by @dependabot in #122
- Feature/move fastapi to core by @252afh in #124
- Bump the minor-patch group with 8 updates by @dependabot in #131
- Feature/improve streamlit by @252afh in #132
- isort + ruff by @252afh in #133
- e2e test added by @gecBurton in #134
- Feature/docker opt by @lmwilkigov in #121
- moved model_db into redbox by @gecBurton in #141
- Bump the minor-patch group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #139
- simplify-download-embeddings by @gecBurton in #142
- Bump the minor-patch group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #144
- moved to faststream by @gecBurton in #143
- Swap to buster image by @lmwilkigov in #145
- Bump the minor-patch group with 4 updates by @dependabot in #146
- Bump pytest-cov from 4.1.0 to 5.0.0 by @dependabot in #147
- Feature/rename embed ingest to be sensible by @252afh in #150
- changed api to reflect single model approach by @gecBurton in #148
- Add notebook for testing embedding speeds by @lmwilkigov in #149
- Bump the minor-patch group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #153
- Bump the pip group group with 1 update by @dependabot in #152
- Feature/get file chunks by @gecBurton in #151
- Integrating data model into persona page by @tayyib-saddique in #130
- added EMBEDDING_MODEL to streamlit-app build by @gecBurton in #155
- myxomatosis by @gecBurton in #158
- Bump the minor-patch group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #161
- Bump langchain-core from 0.1.34 to 0.1.35 by @dependabot in #160
- fix integration tests by @gecBurton in #162
- Feature/integration tests in ci using redis by @gecBurton in #163
- integration tests are turned off by @gecBurton in #167
- Update integration.yml by @gecBurton in #169
- added slack notifications by @gecBurton in #168
- Fix summary-list on remove-doc page by @KevinEtchells in #166
- bug/fix/restore-disk-clean by @gecBurton in #171
- Bump the minor-patch group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #170
- Bump the minor-patch group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #173
- feature/model-improvements by @gecBurton in #164
- Initial docs by @lmwilkigov in #172
- Bump the minor-patch group with 5 updates by @dependabot in #174
- unstructured now on v0.13 by @gecBurton in #176
- Bump the minor-patch group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #178
- Feature/use moto to mock aws by @gecBurton in #180
- deleting chunks from elasticsearch by @gecBurton in #177
- Bump the minor-patch group with 9 updates by @dependabot in #187
- Bump the minor-patch group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #188
- added a volume for django code to be reloaded by @gecBurton in #190
- REDBOX-71 file upload by @rachaelcodes in #157
- REDBOX-119 Document Status Endpoint by @lmwilkigov in #182
- bugfix/add-boto-to-integration-tests by @gecBurton in #192
- Bump the minor-patch group with 4 updates by @dependabot in #193
- Added dependabot changes to github checks by @252afh in #194
- restored access to core libs for streamlit by @gecBurton in #185
- Bump the minor-patch group with 5 updates by @dependabot in #199
- feature/remove-rebox-dockerfile by @gecBurton in #200
- feature/simplify-ingester by @gecBurton in #197
- feature/use-file-status-in-integration-tests by @gecBurton in #195
- Bump the minor-patch group with 4 updates by @dependabot in #206
- feature/improve-integration-test-notifications by @gecBurton in #207
- REDBOX-151/extend-elastic-settings by @gecBurton in #204
- Proposed schema and sequence diagrams by @rachaelcodes in #202
- bugfix/gh-workflow-syntax-fix by @gecBurton in #211
- Added an initial pass at a developer setup guide by @252afh in #210
- [FIX] Patches multiple streamlit bugs by @wpfl-dbt in #205
- bugfix/integration-test-bucket-setup by @gecBurton in #212
- bugfix/added default elastic settings by @gecBurton in #219
- Bump the minor-patch group with 7 updates by @dependabot in #215
- Bump the pip group across 1 directory with 2 updates by @dependabot in #217
- Bump litellm from 1.35.1 to 1.35.2 by @dependabot in #220
New Contributors
- @rachaelcodes made their first contribution in #106
- @tayyib-saddique made their first contribution in #107
- @wpfl-dbt made their first contribu...
Alpha Release
The latest stable release of Redbox Copilot where all state is handled in the Streamlit app. From this point the architecture will be decomposed into multiple microservices